The Heavenly Yard вики
Имя (яп) グーミリア
Имя (англ) Gumillia
Имя (рус) Гумилия
Другие имена Гумилия Мацумото
Хейдемари Лорре(псевдоним)
Восьмой Снайпер(кодовое имя)
Хозяйка адского двора
Вокалоид Gumi
Личная информация
Год рождения BT 528
Классификация Землянка (до смерти)
Лесной дух (до EC 499)
Пол Женский (в теле землянки)
Бесполый (в обличье духа)
Женский(в человеческом теле)
Цвет волос Зеленый
Цвет глаз Зеленый
Принадлежность Королевство Люцифения (дезертировала)
Вельзенская Империя (ранее)
Пер Ноэль
Левин (Секта Левиа)
"If you died, you would, disappear from this world. I, don't want that. I really, really don't want, you to disappear."
"Если ты умрешь, то исчезнешь из этого мира. Я не хочу этого. Я правда, правда не хочу твоего исчезновения."

Гумилия, урождённая Гумилия Мацумото, позже известная под кодовым именем Восьмой снайпер, была духом леса Элда и ученицей Эллуки Клокворкер. Получив от Элда секретное поручение присматривать за Эллукой, Гумилия переродилась в человека и стала ученицей волшебницы. Сопровождая Эллуку в ее стремлении собрать сосуды Греха, Гумиллия была участницей многочисленных вызванных ими событий, а после дуэли на плато Мерригод взяла на себя роль Хозяйки адского двора.


Ранние годы[]

"Вполне возможно, мне когда-нибудь понадобится, чтобы ты покинула лес ненадолго."
"Есть один человек, я не хочу, чтобы Эллука встретилась с ним. Если наступит время, когда эти двое вступят в контакт, я хочу, чтобы ты присмотрела за Эллукой и оградила её от этого человека."
―Элд и Гумилия[src]Изначально бывшая землянкой из второго периода Гумиллия Мацумото и ещё 61 член экипажа Восхождения Один были убиты во время создания третьего периода. Элд Иггдра использовал их сохранённые духовные данные, чтобы перевоплотить их в лесных духов в лесу Элда в Элдогорте[1] в BT 528.[2] Потеряв воспоминания о своей прежней жизни и получив указания остаться в лесу у Бога Элда, Гумиллия подружилась с духом Микаэлой, а также встретилась с чародейкой Эллукой Клокворкер.[3] Через некоторое время после событий дела Веномании Гумилия увидела аристократку Гумину Глассред, несколько раз приходившую молиться Элду у Тысячелетнего древа.[4]

В EC 325 Элд поручил Гумиллии созвать духов и укрепить барьер вокруг леса, чтобы некоторое время не позволять входить сильным магам, даже Эллуке. Когда Гумиллия расспрашивала его по этому вопросу, Элд загадочно сказал, что он может когда-нибудь поручить им защиту Эллуки от кого-то. После этого, Гумиллия и все духи укрепили барьер, как сказано, и по прошествии некоторого времени опустили его.[5]


"Гумилия будет прекрасной ученицей. Она очень уравновешенная и сможет проследить, чтобы ты не уклонялась от работы. "
"Так я получу ещё и няньку, хах?"
―Элд и Эллука[src]

Гумилия в облике животного

В начале 499 года Гумилия вместе с Микаэлой увидела, как Эллука избивает спящего Элда. Гумилия в своем обличье бурундука бросила в волшебницу фрукт Поме. Поругавшись с духом, Эллука покинула лес. Когда некоторое время спустя Микаэла пропала, Гумиллия искала её, пока через две недели не нашла малиновку в человеческом доме, запертую в клетке. Освободив своего друга, Гумиллия пронаблюдала, как та разговаривала с пожилой женщиной, а затем вернулась с Микаэлой обратно в лес Тысячелетнего древа.

Там она смотрела, как Элд отчитал Микаэлу, а когда та пожаловалась на это, прочитала ей собственную нотацию.[6] Примерно в это же время Элд рассказал Гумиллии о своем плане приставить её следить за реинкарнацией Левии и Бегемо, потерявших воспоминания, действуя в качестве ученицы Эллуки и помогая волшебнице собирать сосуды греха. Гумилии было также поручено запечатать воспоминания Эллуки, если они когда-нибудь вернутся.[7] Несколько дней спустя Эллука вернулась и предложила Гумиллии и Микаэле стать ее ученицами, заявив, что они вернутся к жизни духов через три года.[8]

Два духа последовали за Эллукой через лес к месту для прорведения ритуала реинкарнации, где они получат свои новые человеческие тела. Эллука попросила духов представить двух красивых Эльфегортских женщин, желательно из числа тех, кого уже нет в живых. Гумилия и Микаэла тут же обсудили данный вопрос и дали согласие на начало ритуала. Микаэла представила Еву Мунлит, а Гумилия - Гумину Глассред. Вообразив прошлое паломничество Гумины, Гумилия перевоплотилась в женщину с её внешностью. После завершения ритуала Элд поместил сохранённую копию воспоминаний Гумилии в её стёртый разум. Затем Эллука привела девушек в заброшенный дом, используя его как укрытие от дождя. В этом здании новоиспеченные люди начали привыкать к человеческой жизни и обучаться магии. За это время Гумилия освоила магию воды и растений. Шло время, Гумилия отличилась под опекой Эллуки, часто помогая Микаэле с обучением.[9] Она также поняла, что ее зрение было испорчено, у неё была очень сильная дальнозоркость.[10]


Эллука учит Гумилию

Спустя месяц после перевоплощения Эллука объявила, что Гумиллия отправится с ней в Люцифенский королевский дворец, чтобы продолжить обучение магии, в то время как Микаэла будет искать сосуды греха в Эльфегорте. На следующее утро, упаковов багаж, Гумилия распрощалась с Микаэлой и вместе с Эллукой отбыла в Люцифению.[11] По дороге Гумилия призналась Эллуке в своём плохом зрении, объяснив, что с тех пор, как стала человеком, смогла видеть невероятно далеко, но не в состоянии разглядеть вещи вблизи.


Гумилия на пути в Люцифению

Быстро поняв, что зрение человеческого тела Гумилии отличается от такового у бурундука, Эллука создала для неё очки . Посмотрев через них, Гумилия с удивлением обнаружила, что нормально видит на близком расстоянии, прежде чем новое видение дезориентировало её. Эллука сняла с неё очки, сказав, что дальнозоркость будет более полезна в поисках. Выслушав возражения девушки, она в конце концов признала, что очки тоже могли бы ей помочь с поисками, но запретила носить их в ее присутствии, чтобы не портить образ. [12]

После этого они прибыли в королевство Люцифения, и Гумилия, как ученица Эллуки, была допущена во дворец. Там она продолжила свое обучение в рамках подготовки к изучению секретного часового искусства, чтобы изгнать Демона Гордыни из принцессы Рилиан. В то же время Эллука научила ее тому, что знала о других сосудах греха, таких как бокал Кончиты.

Mage's Apprentice[]

"Я хочу, чтобы ты передал это моему другу в Эльфегорте"
"Это... Зеленый лук?"
"Да, зеленый лук. Очень удивительный зеленый лук."
―Гумилия и Аллен Авадония[src]

Traveling to the Kingdom of Lucifenia, Gumillia was admitted to the Lucifenian Palace as Elluka’s apprentice and studied to increase her skills with magic in preparation for learning the Clockwork Secret Art, improving rapidly;[13] during that time, Elluka told her apprentice about what she learned about the Glass of Conchita, including its powers of reanimation.[14]

In EC 500, she attended the funeral of Leonhart Avadonia with Elluka. Once the mage insulted the dead man at his grave, they left.[15] About nine months since last seeing Michaela, Elluka gave Gumillia a Very Amazing Green Onion to hand off to the servant, Allen, to give to Michaela. Gumillia entered the Servant Room as the boy prepared for his trip, silently greeting him. Bluntly replying “yes” to Allen’s questions, the two awkwardly remained silent at each other.

Gumillia then finally instructed him to use honorifics with anyone older than him, such as herself. The servant apologized and she removed the magical tool from her sleeve, asking that he deliver it to her friend. When the servant asked if it was really so amazing, Gumillia reconfirmed that it was. Asked by the servant who her friend was, the apprentice said she had green hair like her but far more beautiful. At that moment, Elluka called for Gumillia and she obeyed, telling Allen Michaela’s name as she left.[16]

Green Hunting[]

"I have also decided. If Michaela wants to stay as a human, then I also don’t want to revert back into being a spirit."

Gumillia and Elluka

Several days later, Elluka took Gumillia and fled after Princess Riliane ordered the Millennium Tree Forest burned and the Kingdom of Elphegort invaded.[17] Escaping to the Forest of Bewilderment as it burned, Gumillia helped her master conjure a large rainstorm to douse the flames, sacrificing Elluka’s ziz tiama.

Seeing the flames dissipate, they retreated deeper in the forest, exhausted. The sorceress then congratulated her apprentice, thankful they controlled the fire before it burned the Millennium Tree. Suddenly, a brown-haired woman spoke to Elluka, introducing herself as Germaine and offering them shelter at her home. Elluka declined, mischievously alerting her that they were fugitives, and the two left.[18]

Not long after, Elluka contacted Michaela and listened as she explained her role in their current predicament. Once Michaela denied Elluka’s order to incarnate again as a spirit because she wanted to stay with those precious to her, Gumillia comforted the enraged and hysterical sorceress. Calming her master, the apprentice spoke with Michaela, telling her she wouldn't ask the reason and could somewhat understand her feelings, having also learned much as a human.

The apprentice then told her friend that she too wanted to remain a human, having an important person to protect. Elluka chastised the two green-haired girls for their disloyalty. Once Michaela told them both that she would be hiding in a well in the forest,[19] she and Elluka encountered the Lucifenian army hunting them but manage to elude them. They then went to Keel Freezis's mansion only to find it burned down. They infiltrated the nearby barracks to retrieve the Venom Sword but discovered the vessel of sin was missing and collected the rest of his property instead.

After a short rest, they headed to Michaela's hiding spot in the forest. However, they arrived to find Kyle Marlon clutching Michaela's corpse, crying. Despite the King’s violent behavior, they retrieved her body and later witnessed it become tree saplings. Astonished, they visited Held; Gumillia learned that Michaela was chosen by the earth god to succeed him as the Millennium Tree. After Elluka argued with the earth deity, Gumillia told Held her decision and the saddened earth god accepted it.[20]


"Keel’s children were very cute, but I didn't understand why Elluka was so surprised upon seeing Mr. Keel's wife."
―Gumillia's writings on their time with the Freezis Family[src]During the Lucifenian Revolution, the two traveled to the Freezis mansion in Marlon to explain what had occurred to Keel. The merchant, surprised by the revelation about Michaela after Gumillia summoned Michaela's spirit to commune with them, told the pair to give the sapling to Clarith. The two women revealed they managed to recover Keel's property from his burned-down mansion. After some negotiation, they returned them to him and the grateful merchant abided Elluka's request to hide them from Lucifenia and give her the Venom Sword.[21]

During that period, Gumillia revealed her and Michaela's true identity to Keel and used a ritual to show that her spirit incarnated as a tree sapling. Amazed, Keel advised they give Michaela to Clarith, saying she would want to see her friend first when she became a tree.[22] While there, Gumillia played with the Freezis's children, lecturing them when they addressed her without honorifics,[23] and noticed Elluka's surprise to see Keel's wife there. After hiding out at the mansion for several months, the two left and returned to Lucifenia once The Daughter of Evil was executed.

In EC 501, the two traveled to the Held Monastery in Elphegort in search for Michaela's cherished, human friend.[24] After Elluka introduced herself and Gumillia to Clarith, the apprentice confronted the white-haired girl before being stopped by her master, correcting her that they came to give her a gift. Once Clarith was informed of the circumstances surrounding Michaela, Elluka noted Gumillia’s desire to keep her friend. The former spirit then stated they couldn't decide while Michaela was a sapling and accepted Elluka’s request to perform the incantation.

Summoning an apparition of her friend’s spirit, Gumillia supervised the conversation between Clarith and Michaela. After seeing Michaela and Clarith happily reunited and confess their love for one another, Elluka stubbornly asked the apprentice who “won”. Reciting another incantation, the apparition was dispelled and Gumillia gave the plant to Clarith, telling her if she died, she wouldn't care. Seeing Clarith’s confusion on what to do, she suggested the white-haired girl plant her in the forest but that it was her decision to make.

As they were about to leave, Gumillia remembered The Daughter of Evil’s execution, informing Clarith that the princess was condemned and Michaela was avenged.[25] About a week later, the nervous Gumillia went back to the convent to check on Clarith, surprised to see Riliane there as well; after Elluka learned of this, she told her apprentice they would not interfere as Riliane should no longer be possessed by a demon.

The two began their journey to the eastern kingdoms, continuing their search for the vessels of sin, and stopped by an Asmodean inn to prepare. While there, Gumillia decided to write a report of their actions after leaving the Lucifenian palace, writing about her excitement for what the eastern countries would be like. Her report was suddenly interrupted by Elluka’s scream and subsequent frenzy, saying they were cheated as she threw the Venom Sword.

Gumillia asked if it was fake and the sorceress clarified that the Demon of Lust was absent from the vessel, quickly checking to find the Demon of Pride was also missing from its vessel. Gumillia asked if it was possible and Elluka denied it, explain the demons’ bodies should always be in the vessel, even when possessing a human. After a long while, the apprentice watched her master begin packing her luggage, apologizing for their need to solve their recent enigma first. Sighing, Gumillia was disappointed her tour of the world was delayed but paid it no mind.[26]

Witch Hunt[]

"The Witch Hunting Order... Is Miss Gumillia okay with it?"
"Only in this country."
―Yukina and Gumillia regarding her history with the Witch Hunt[src]Gumillia and Elluka returned to Lucifenia and began spying for information. As part of their search, Elluka had them pursure King Kyle since she had noticed he'd been possessed by the Demon of Lust during their last meeting. With the King annexing Lucifenia as part of Marlon, Elluka and Gumillia infiltrated the royal palace where he resided and learned the Demon of Lust was gone and he had since been possessed by the Demon of Pride.[27]

Once they found that Kyle owned another one of the hand mirrors for the vessel, they attempted to steal it that night from his bedroom. In the midst of their theft, the King awoke and discovered their actions. Forced to flee, the two lost possession of the Venom Sword during their escape;[28] they were later added to the "Witch Hunt" decreed by King Kyle.[29] Suspicious that Kyle's two consecutive possessions weren't simply a coincidence, Elluka decided they'd investigate his mother, Queen Dowager Prim.

In EC 502, the two traveled to the Marlon as part of their investigation. While attempting to find Prim at Marlon Castle, they were instead ambushed by the Espionage Task Force and the sorceress, Abyss I.R. After Elluka was defeated by the sorceress, Gumillia fled, unknowingly harboring Elluka's spirit within her via the mage's Swap Technique.[30]

Beelzenian Court Mage[]

"You two were obviously foreigners but for you to hold a position in the Beelzenian Empire? Wow."
"Well that was because Elluka had some connections."
―Yukina and Gumillia regarding the latter's prestigious position[src]
Gummy slave
Later that year, Gumillia traveled to the Beelzenian Empire to answer the Emperor's summons for Elluka. Pleading to the Emperor to give her refuge from Marlon's pursuit, he accepted Gumillia as his adviser and she avoided being handed over into Marlon's custody.[31] Because Elluka was no longer with her, Gumillia began wearing the glasses she gave her instead of using magic to improve her vision.[32]

While living near a cemetery just outside of Rukolbeni, Gumillia served the Beelzenian Emperor as his personal adviser. When the former members of the Lucifenian Resistance sought refuge in the Empire, Gumillia advised they keep the fugitives and incorporate them into their military and bolster their ranks. A year later, both Germaine and Chartette Langley arrived and Gumillia advised that they grant the two similar protection.[33]

In EC 505, the Empire received word that Yukina Freezis desired a permit to cross the borders. Recognizing the name, Gumillia secured Yukina's entry and sent a summons for her to come to the Imperial City for the Emperor.[34] Anticipating the child would refuse, Gumillia set out to meet with Yukina and tracked her to the old Conchita mansion ruins. Once she found her upstairs, the sorceress stated that the checkpoint soldiers should have directed her to the Imperial City first.

After the girl responded with a flimsy excuse, Gumillia pointed and said she shouldn't let Keel worry and the child had an outburst. Noting how she was still the same, the sorceress chastised her for not using honorifics with her elders. When the realization hit Yukina, the green-haired mage introduced herself and greeted her before the two embraced. The two then stayed a hotel in the north-western region of the empire. During lunch the next day, Gumillia agreed to help Yukina meet Germaine.

After their meal, they set out to meet with Chartette. Although she wanted to ride a carriage, Gumillia compiled with Yukina's request to walk there. As they traveled, Yukina questioned if the sorceress was bothered by it and she replied she didn't mind. When the child noted how different she looked, wearing glasses, she asked if it was strange and Yukina said it suited her. Questioned about why she wasn't in a far eastern kingdom, the sorceress explained what had occurred and that she didn't know what had happened to Elluka.

Praeludium gumillia

Gumillia the Beelzenian Court Mage

Yukina then asked her feelings on the witch hunt, to which the sorceress replied she was fine while in Beelzenia. Gumillia then confirmed that she had helped and asked why she bothered to come. In response to her concerned about going to the Imperial City, Gumillia brushed it off as her order and knew she wouldn't listen, laughing.

After arriving at the cemetery, the mage elaborated on their destination and saw Chartette. Apologizing for the wait, Gumillia introduced the Langley Troop commander to Yukina. As Chartette became frantic meeting her favorite author, Gumillia lifted a tombstone with telekinesis and hit Chartette with it to send her flying.

After noting her noisiness, she asked if she butted in. The young author denied it before questioning if Chartette was okay. Gumillia stated she was very sturdy then formally introduced her to Yukina. Once the three arrived at the troop's base, the uninterested Gumillia followed close behind them as Chartette explained what occurred between the Resistance and Marlon to Yukina.

When the impressed Yukina commented about Chartette's instant promotion, Gumillia muttered under her breath that there weren't any other candidates. Later, at the group's head quarters, Gumillia ceased her silence and said she was heading back to attend to something. While leaving, Yukina thanked her and said she would visit later on. The sorceress said it fine when she had free time and the returned to the road.[35]

War with the Undead[]

Two weeks later, war broke out between Beelzenia and Marlon as hordes of undead soldiers attacked the Empire's western cities; Gumillia met with the Emperor to discuss their plans to counteract the monsters. When the meeting had finished, Chartette told Gumillia that Ney Futapie appeared and used a glass to cause an earthquake at the cemetery just before the attacks. The mage then asked the soldier to alert Yukina that she was busy and couldn't meet with her.

Sometime after, Gumillia investigated the bodies of the undead and realized they had all been victims of the Gula disease. A few days after that, Gumillia listened to Yukina's side of the story at the imperial palace while the Emperor was in a meeting. With both testimonies in mind, Gumillia theorized Ney indeed reanimated the dead and asked if Yukina wanted some black tea. After stating how great it was, she laughed. As Yukina noted how she was acting a bit odd, the mage questioned if that was so.

The sorceress then noted that Ney didn't have the magical power necessary to perform her actions and believed it was possible the wine glass she used was the Glass of Conchita. When Yukina trembled at the thought of Ney's actions, Gumillia held her shoulders to comfort her and revealed what she discovered from her earlier autopsies. Called by a servant, Gumillia left to consult the Emperor on his prior meeting with Riliane Mouchet and his plans to launch an attack on Retasan Fortress the next day.[36]


Gumillia leaves Yukina out of the loop

At some point, Yukina caught up to her in the halls and asked the mage about why she needed to wear glasses. The sorceress asked if they were weird and the child denied it, saying she couldn't imagine a mage's eyesight could deteriorate and that there had to be another reason. Realizing she had good intuition, Gumillia admitted she couldn't hide the reason anymore.

Bothered by having to explain the whole story, she told Yukina it was simply because Elluka wasn't there. When pressed for details, Gumillia said she'd leave it to her imagination and left, saying she had official business to attend to. Readjusting her glasses, she mentally mused, like Elluka, how if she were ever discovered with the glasses, it wouldn't cause any trouble.[37]

Once the city was captured two months later, Gumillia resigned and left the Imperial City to search for Ney and apprehend the Glass. Arriving in Retasan, she hired Germaine as her bodyguard, called in a favor from one of Elluka's followers, and stayed the night at Di Bono Pavilion. Just after leaving the hotel, Yukina called to her and asked why she left. Once she explained her reasoning and that she had hired a bodyguard to protect her from the Witch Hunt, Germaine arrived.

While they conversed, she boarded the stagecoach and said goodbye to Yukina once Germaine got on but she refused and joined them. Curious about the driver overhearing them, Gumillia answered that he wouldn't leak any information. After explaining her plan to get them into the Lucifenian Royal Palace and meet with Kyle, Gumillia agreed to the idea and said it would be more fun with more people.[38]

Infiltrating the Palace[]

After they reached Rollam, Gumillia and her compatriots checked in at a hotel in the city. Learning that Kyle was attending a dinner party at Corpa's mansion, the mage and her sellsword disguised themselves as Yukina's masked Asmodean bodyguards of the Almoga Morabez family;[39] the three then went to the estate but neither Germaine nor Gumillia were permitted to enter, allowing Yukina to enter and tell Kyle of her planned visit to the royal palace.[40]

The next day, Gumillia and Germaine again donned their disguises and entered the palace as Yukina's bodyguards. Entering the Hall of Mirrors, the three knelt before Kyle while Yukina greeted him. When a guard demanded they remove their masks, Gumillia stated it was the law of their family to not reveal their faces and Kyle accepted their wishes. As Yukina prepared to search the palace for new novel ideas, they accompanied her out of the Hall of Mirrors.

That evening, the three of them were invited to stay at the Lucifenian Royal Palace and they moved into the palace's guest rooms. During their stay, Gumillia learned from Yukina that Kyle kept one of the hand mirrors in his possession as a gift from his mother. Devising a plan with Germaine, the mage decided they'd steal the hand mirror from Kyle's bedroom and escape.

Later that night, as they prepared to execute their plan, they were attacked by the Espionage Task Force and their room was bombed. Surviving the blast, the two "bodyguards" fled while battling the task force members throughout the palace. During this time, Gumillia retrieved the Venom Sword from Kyle's possessions. Once they secured the mirror from Kyle's room, Gumillia took Yukina to Riliane's old room next door while Germaine stayed to act as a diversion. The two then escaped via the secret passage within the fireplace and headed down to the royal stables.

While they attempted to escape, Kyle unexpectedly appeared after them and took back the mirror from Yukina. When Yukina noted how the king was acting strange, Gumillia replied that he was seriously ill and completely dependent upon the demon. Kyle retorted if demons was really what the chaos was really all about and Gumillia called him hopeless for not knowing about their existence. As they argued over their existence, the sorceresss asserted that he was being misled by one.

Gumillia then watched as Kyle spoke with Yukina and began to bend under his demonic possession. Once Kyle started to transform into a six-winged beast, Gumillia realized their situation had soured and tried to cast a spell. Before she could finish her technique, Kyle telekinetically knocked her into the air before slamming her back down into the ground. The sorceress was then sent flying when the king flapped his wings and slammed into the wall before he flew off into the night sky.[41]

Afterwards, the injured Gumillia and Yukina regrouped with Germaine. Blamed for the King's sudden disappearance, they fled and eventually evaded the Espionage Task Force and the Marlon army. Later on, Germaine confirmed she saw something flying in the night sky while she was fleeing, tracing the trajectory northwest towards the Millennium Tree Forest.[42]

Battle in the Forest[]

Two weeks since escaping the palace, Gumillia decided they should check areas Kyle might've gone to in the forest. Along with her companions, the mage trudged through the Forest of Bewilderment with Germaine as the lead. Aiming for the old well where Michaela died, Gumillia noted that they were close. Once they reached the sign dividing the border between Lucifenia and Elphegort, Germaine said she only knew the layout of the Lucifenia side. Gumillia then stated she'd take the lead and hurried them onward.

Once they reached their destination, Gumillia stopped to stare at the old well before them, sensing traces of the demon's magic there. As Germaine inspected the area and Yukina explained how it was a Freezis family hiding place, Gumillia approached them to mention what she had felt. When Germaine fearfully asked if Kyle himself was there, the mage stated he had already left. While Germaine headed down the well to investigate, Gumillia rested beneath some shade.

After the swordswoman returned thirty minutes later, the mage stood up and hurried them to leave and check the other locations. When they passed by a nearby grave, the three prayed to the soldier before moving on.[43] The sorceress then consulted Held on how to defeat Kyle and the deity told Gumillia that her magic would be strong enough to incapacitate him, although the same applied to Kyle.

Soon after, Kyle tracked the three and attacked Germaine, prompting Gumillia to cast the Clockwork Secret Art on him. Amplified by Michaela's spell song, the distortion field created by the technique successfully freed Kyle of the Demon's possession and rendered him unconscious. After sealing the second mirror from the blue-haired king, Gumillia learned from Kyle that he had lost his memories and the sorceress was given safe passage to Marlon in order to uncover the mysteries surrounding the events.[44]

Voyage to Marlon[]

Later on, Gumillia and Germaine received invitations from Keel, asking them to join him for a future dinner party he'd host in Marlon and return via the ship he sent to them. Accepting his offer, the two accompanied Kyle, Yukina, and Shaw on their voyage to Marlon on the King's flagship, Royal Victoricia.[45] During the journey, their ship was attacked by pirates although they were soon after defeated and forced to retreat.

When a giant octopus destroyed the pirates' ship and prepared to attack them, Gumillia recognized it was a Very Amazing Octopus and then magically enhanced the ship's cannons, ordering Kyle's men to aim at the octopus' brow. Kyle heeded her advice and they fired at the creature, evading it and resuming their voyage to Marlon. Disappointed, Gumillia revealed the creature's identity. When Kyle asked how such a massive octopus could exist, the sorceress answered that only Elluka could do it.[46]

Reunited with the Master[]

Once Yukina reunited with her family at Jamet, Keel invited Gumillia and her escort over for dinner. During the event, Gumillia, like everyone else, was displeased by Germaine's drunken rant about the danger Yukina faced while abroad.[47] Staying at the home in Bariti, Gumillia later encountered Elluka at the door and, surprised, suggested they talk in private. Heading outside by Column Forest, the sorceress was soon after attacked by her master and they became locked in combat.


Gumillia confronts Abyss I.R.

Within a few attacks, Gumillia was overwhelmed by the sorceress when Yukina and Germaine arrived. After the woman revealed herself to be Abyss I.R., she summoned three black bears to attack Gumillia. Germaine rushed to protect her and, aided by Gumillia's magical enchantments, the swordswoman easily defeated the three creatures. Abyss I.R. then grabbed the green-haired mage and said she would take her body for herself.

At that moment, Elluka's spirit called out and wrestled control from the sorceress, sending both women flying into the air. As Germaine prepared to finish off the incapacitated Abyss, Gumillia stopped her, saying that Elluka regained control. Falling unconscious due to exhaustion, Germaine carried the green-haired mage back to her room at the Freezis Mansion.[48]

Later on, while sharing Elluka's company in her room, Germaine came in with the visiting King Kyle. Avoiding eye contact with the King, she listened to Elluka fill him in on what occurred and chastise him for not apologizing to her about the Witch Hunt. She then listened to Kyle explain the situation about the undead soldiers sighted in the north and the high probability of Queen Dowager Prim and Ney being at Castle Hedgehog. While hearing Kyle attempt to recruit them for his planned attack against the undead soldiers, Elluka refused on account of their weakened state til the next full moon.

When Kyle told them to get some rest and began to leave, Gumilla asked to confirm if he was heading out to Castle Hedgehog and then inquired when. After Kyle answered he wanted to leave Bariti in a few days, Gumillia told him to bring her the soldiers' weapons. Although admitting it'd be uncomfortable, she offered to lend her power to them. In response, Kyle grabbed her hands and thanked the mage; he then apologized for everything he'd done, causing Gumillia to blush. At that moment, Elluka pulled them apart and teased her apprentice for continuing the conversation without her.

Gumillia retorted that it was best for them to assist Kyle and, when Elluka asked why, she reminded her of the Glass of Conchita. Admitting she forgot, Elluka pointed out that they also needed to ask Prim about the Venom Sword and Gumillia added about the mirrors, taking two of them out to show her. Shortly after, Elluka agreed to pitch in and help Gumillia with enchanting the soldiers' weapons. She then saw the eavesdropping Yukina leap at Kyle and beg him to let her accompany him. Afterwards, the mage watched as Kyle convinced her to stay behind and be promptly beat up by an overprotective Keel.[49]

Tides of Battle[]

"But, it's worth a try. If Ney is the one that killed Michaela, I want to hear it from her mouth, and, if we can...... I want her to apologize."
―Gumillia[src]Over the next few days, Gumillia and Elluka engraved enchantments into all the soldiers' weapons to help them combat the supernatural threat. Having not yet given out all the provisions to the troops, the two mages traveled with the army to Lioness and helped oversee the repartioning of the weapons in the main square. During the battle across the Blood Pool Region, the mages remained at Lioness Castle to avoid the undead soldiers while in their weakened state.

Meeting in Lioness[]

After the battle, Gumillia met with Kyle, Keel, Yukina, Germaine, and Elluka in one of the castle's bedrooms while the Marlon King explained what had transpired with Queen Dowager Prim and Ney. When Yukina expressed her concern for them sharing a room with the captured and bound Ney, Gumillia explained that they had robbed her of her weapons, just in case. After Kyle presented the Glass, hand mirrors, and doll he had, Elluka told Gumillia to take out the vessels she carried. The apprentice nodded and took out the two hand mirrors and the Venom Sword, laying them beside the other vessels.

When Elluka objected to healing Ney on account of its unlikely success, Gumillia pointed out that it didn't hurt to try. Afterward, she expressed her desire to hear Ney tell her if she actually killed Michaela, then adding that she also wanted her to apologize. When Keel inquired if the apology was meant for her, Gumillia shook her head while denying the notion. Once Elluka conceded to help and say they needed to return to Bariti and prepare, she told Gumillia to collect the vessels and she complied.

The group then heard a rattling sound outside the room. Keel offered to check it out, claiming to be the only one uninjured in some form, and they heard him talking to someone outside the room before being swiftly interrupted by a dull sound. After the door opened and the room was enveloped by a blue flash, Gumillia was rendered unconscious. Once she and the others awoke, they discovered the vessels of sin missing, Keel seriously injured, and Ney dead. Gumillia was then taken to another room to check if she needed treatment.[50]

Search for Mikina[]

Having fulfilled her role as her escort, Gumillia released Germaine from her service. Over the course of two weeks, Gumillia and Germaine assisted Elluka in their search for the perpetrator. During the period, Gumillia heard Elluka's deduction that Abyss I.R. was actually the red cat she always had with her and that she had taken possession of the missing Mikina to steal the vessels of sin.

Although determining Lucifenia was the fugitive mage's most likely destination, Elluka sent Gumillia to search for Abyss in Levianta while Germaine searched the former kingdom and she continued to search Marlon. Before she left, Gumillia engraved a rune into Germaine's sword to help her locate Abyss' true form once she found her.[51] After Germaine successfully defeated Abyss I.R. and freed Mikina, Gumillia and Elluka collected and sealed the Glass of Conchita and Marlon Spoon in her possession.

Journey East and West[]

In EC 508, Gumillia and Elluka became involved in the New Four Horsemen Incident caused by Neo Apocalypse and Abyss I.R. and then the mage continued on her journey with her master.[52] In EC 548,[53] Elluka and Gumillia travelled through the Eastern region in pursuit of the Twin Swords of Levianta.[54] In EC 549, they came upon a large wall blocking their path; approaching the watchman there, the mages attempted to pass through when the watchman stopped them.[55]

He then explained that his King mandated that none except their own people were allowed to pass through the gates.[56] Unable to pass through, Elluka and Gumillia left and then colored their hair black to disguise themselves as the guard's race.[57] Returning to the gate, the two were stopped again and told by the watchman that none of his people had such a light skin color.[58] The two mages left the wall again and then colored their skin dark like the sentry's race.[59]

Once they returned to the wall, the guard stopped them for a third time, stating that none of his people had such odd eye colors.[60] As the guard boasted that he and the wall were necessary to protect their great country and that the two shouldn't think poorly of them,[61] Gumillia saw Elluka become furious and blow the watchman away with a powerful wind.[62] When the two opened the gates and saw no great city beyond them, the two questioned what the watchman had been guarding and continued on their journey.[63]

Soon after, they came before a vast ocean.[64] The two later took a small boat across the sea to Jakoku. After failing to retrieve the Twin Swords of Levianta for years, Elluka and Gumillia left Jakoku in EC 558 and returned to the west.[65] Some time after Clarith and her monastic order, the Sisters of Clarith, erected an examinations system to protect the New Millennium Tree, Clarith gave Gumillia and Elluka permits to freely enter the Millennium Tree Forest.[66]

Investigative Chief[]

During the late sixth century EC, wishing to disappear from the public eye, both Gumillia and Elluka took up identities as Shaw Freezis's deceased great granddaughters, Hanne and Heidemarie Lorre. Assuming the identity of Heidemarie Lorre, Gumillia became an officer of the "Justea" International Works Department of the World Police in Marlon, rising through the ranks to become its Investigative Chief.[67] During this time she fashioned a special fireworks gun as an aid to her work as an officer.[68]

Suspending contact with her "sister," Heidemarie continued to pursue leads on the Demons of Sin while working as an officer of the law.[69] During her investigations, she often recklessly pursued leads at cost to destruction of property, roughly interrogated suspects without word from superiors, refused to work with local police officers, and frequently answered news interviewers without permission.

At some point in the early EC 600s, Heidemarie witnessed a performance from the young idol Rin Chan and became an avid fan, often skipping work to attend her concerts. During this time, she was approached by a reporter for the Schuburg newspaper and questioned as a fan of the idol. Faced with allegations that Rin Chan lip-synced through her concerts, Heidemarie adamantly testified that she would never do so.[70]

In EC 609, after Rin Chan's manager Ton Corpa was murdered and Rin Chan kidnapped by Fifth Pierrot. On October 6th, Heidemarie took up the investigation to find her whereabouts, pursuing the kidnapper recklessly.[71] Following a lead that Fifth Pierrot and Rin Chan had taken a carriage to Toragay and that the carriage-rider was the son of the local innkeeper,[72] the officer approached the Toragay inn in the dead of night and used her fireworks gun to break a window, charging inside.

Walking to the inn's second floor, Heidemarie called for Rin Chan to come out and was greeted by a different figure instead. She proceeded to hold her at gunpoint in the dark until finally recognizing her as Hanne. Reuniting with her sister, Heidemarie explained that she had been chasing Rin Chan's kidnapper and learned that her quarry was already gone from the inn.[73] Following the event, she was summoned back to Justea by her boss, Hob Homer.

Entering the office, Heidemarie stood placidly by as Hob roared at her over her attacking the innocent residents of the inn. Afterwards, she remarked that the innkeeper and her son's innocence didn't make them unrelated to the case; when asked to elaborate, she explained how she had received leads that lead her to believe Rin Chan's kidnapper was located in the inn and had taken a carriage ride from the innkeeper's son.

Asked to confirm if the coachman was merely carrying Rin Chan and her kidnapper for work, Heidemarie did so and listened as Hob admitted she was an excellent investigator but had made a blunder in the field. After her boss slammed his fists on the desk and said he'd take her off the investigation, the officer questioned why he would and listened to Hob's list of complaints against her. Heidemarie then saw Hob throw down the article of the Schuburg Newspaper concerning Rin Chan's lip-syncing allegations. Accused of being the fangirl cited in the article, she solemnly replied that she answered to the allegations under the belief Rin Chan would never lip-sync.

Asked if she really cared about such things, Heidemarie listened to Hob continue to shout at her for risking Justea's reputation before stating she was going to take some time off. Being Shaw's great-granddaughter, and her brute investigations occasionally getting results, Hob noted he couldn't outright dismiss her and asked if Hanne was a guest in the inn at the time Heidemarie attacked it. When Heidemarie confirmed it, he suggested she go visit her sister during suspension; although hesitant, the officer eventually agreed.

When Hob then tried to confiscate her gun, she protested that it was a personal belonging; reminded she'd be arrested if she fired it under suspension, Heidemarie said she would keep it in mind and left the room.[74]

Toragay Serial Killings[]

Heidemarie then journeyed to Elphegort; arriving in Toragay two days later, she decided to apologize to the innkeeper for her earlier disturbance and approached the local inn. Once there, she spotted Constable Ein Anchor assisting a master carpenter and two other men in fixing the broken window. Greeting him, she watched as he delivered a plank of wood and still didn't face her, asking him what he was doing.

As the man replied he was helping with construction as part of his duty, Heide asked if he just had time to spare; when Ein took offense to the remark and asked if she was continuing her investigation, Heidemarie replied she wasn't and explained how she had been suspended. When asked her reason for being in Toragay, she said it was to visit her sister. Asked why she was still in uniform, Heidemarie snapped she had nothing else to wear.

When Ein commented on her unchanging rough demeanor, the officer asked where her sister was, questioning if she was in the inn. After Ein explained she'd left for Lucifenia, to consult Dr. Puerick Rogzé, Heidemarie stated she should go and began to leave, only to be stopped by Ein. He told her that, as they had only just met and Hanne would be back by nightfall, it would be better if she stayed. After a silence, when Ein questioned if that was the only reason she came, Heidemarie remembered her intention to apologize to the innkeeper and affirmed that he was correct.

Told that the innkeeper was out at the moment, Heidemarie asked what Ein and Hanne were doing in town and listened as the constable explained Hanne's investigation into Kaspar Blankenheim's death, suspecting it as murder. Seeing Ein and two workers sit at break time, Heidemarie sat down as well and questioned this, listening as Ein clarified that Hanne believed Margarita to be involved, though explaining that it was difficult to investigate her while she was visiting her father in Aceid.

Noting that Margarita's father was also ill, Heidemarie learned that his symptoms were the same as the Marquis' and she went silent, playing with a pebble with her foot. She then asked what Ein was doing there and learned of his investigations into Toragay's black market, which had been officially ended; she questioned what results he had come up with and learned that, not only did Ein find a potential warehouse for the activities, but that he determined the head dealer was Kaspar Blankenheim.

Shocked, Heidemarie pointed out he was dead and learned of how the black market in Toragay had closed shop, while a dealer had informed the constable of it opening in a new location. Asking where it was, she heard only that it was north of the town before the two officers were alerted by a noise. Checking out west of the town, where the noise was coming from, Heidemarie and Ein entered a large crowd by the Charity Institute. Going through the crowd, they witnessed a woman, the institute's director, screaming beside a group of children apparently asleep.

As woman screamed at Heidemarie to help, the officer noted she was technically off duty and the woman exclaimed this wasn't the time to worry about such things. After Ein examined the children, Heidemarie questioned his results and learned they had the same symptoms as Dr. Felix and the Marquis. Noticing a man pouring medicine into the children's room, she asked who he was and learned it was Dr. Egmont, watching as Ein discussed getting a proper doctor for the children.

As Ein resolved to fetch a doctor from Aceid, he instructed Heidemarie to watch the children and she assented, nodding. She then witnessed Rita panic and pass away from the mysterious illness as she discovered the children had died. Unable to do anything, Heidemarie silently prayed for the Charity Institute Director and children. At some point, Ein returned and said to Heide how he had seen Margarita in Aceid when trying to fetch a doctor.[75] She also received from him a map of Elphegort, marked out with the suspected new center of the black market.[76]

Return to the Mage[]

Sometime afterwards, Heidemarie was approached by men wearing black who informed her that Shaw Freezis had passed away and she was needed at the Freezis Foundation's headquarters in Marlon. Arriving in Bariti, the officer met with Shaw's chief aide, Bruno Marlon, and accompanied him when he met with Hanne, who had also been summoned. As the reporter remarked on how she had also come, Heidemarie began to speak only to be cut off by Bruno, who then led them to the back door of the Foundation headquarters, explaining the two shouldn't be seen too much by the relatives.

Following Hanne and Bruno, Heidemarie approached Shaw's lifeless body and watched as Hanne knelt before the coffin, mourning for the dead Foundation head. Standing outwardly composed, Heidemarie remained silent when Bruno commented on the two's respective reactions. She then witnessed as he changed demeanor and, laughing, announced that the two sisters would be taken to prison. She then listened as he explained how he would use his authority as the Foundation's "Bruno" to order the World Police to arrest them.

After Hanne commented on how the men in black must be members of the World Police and asked Heidemarie if she knew them, the officer shook her head and said she didn't. When Bruno began to explain the charges on which he would be arresting the two, Heidemarie listened as he turned to her and accused the officer of being the culprit in the deaths at the Charity Institute, to be arrested as a material witness.

She then witnessed the men in black restrain Hanne; also circled by the men, Heidemarie sent one of them flying with her fireworks gun. She then commented that the man wasn't dead, although might have a broken bone, before brandishing the gun in her right hand. As the men in black panicked over her strange weapon and surrounded her, Heidemarie heard Bruno curse Hob for not removing the gun as he had instructed. She then listened as he told the men to hurry and not alert the relatives by the sound of gunfire.

Although raising her gun at the men, Heidemarie heard Hanne order her to stop and held back. As her sister continued that Shaw was "asleep" and thus they shouldn't be too noisy, Heidemarie stated she understood and pointed down her gun. She was then tackled and bound by the men in black and soon after, like her sister, brought to the headquarters of the World Police to be imprisoned.

Her gun confiscated and locked in a cell next to Hanne, Heidemarie remained silent until Hanne asked if she was awake. When the officer confirmed she was, she listened to her sister ask her about the deaths at the Charity Institute. She explained how it had happened while Hanne was in Lucifenia, and that when she had rushed over everyone was asleep. In response to Hanne's horror, she reiterated that both the adults and children were dead. As Hanne bemoaned having let more people die, her sister added that she wasn't the killer.

The officer listened as Hanne affirmed that their charges were just Bruno's concoction, while also adding there was someone responsible for putting the people to sleep. Heide then asked who it was; hearing Hanne's suspicion it was Margarita, she pointed out that the girl wasn't in Toragay that day. Hanne then asked if she could have returned secretly and Heidemarie stated she didn't think so, explaining how Ein had seen her in Aceid himself.

After a silence between the two, Heide heard Hanne ask if she was ready to get out soon. Puzzled, Heide repeated the question and Hanne clarified that they would get out of the prison, to which the officer reminded her that her gun was confiscated. As her sister stated such things weren't necessary for them and laughed, Heide asked if she was okay and was told that, with Shaw Freezis dead and the two of them in this situation, there was no need to fake their identities. Heide remained silent as Hanne continued that there was no need to be the great-grandchildren of Shaw Freezis and then said she knew.

Heide and Hanne both were cut off as two figures entered the prison, Hanne recognizing one as Ein, and their cells were unlocked. Recognizing the other figure as Hob, Heide spoke his name aloud and watched when he handed her the confiscated fireworks gun. She slowly noted that she thought he was on Bruno's side and listened when he told her he couldn't allow such the abuse of justice being carried out.

Remarking on this and smiling, Heide was cut off by Ein stating it was impossible for her to be responsible for the deaths at the Charity Institute, as well as it being impossible for Hanne to be responsible for the Lioness Burning Incident. After he explained to the two how Toragay's situation was growing desperate, Hanne stopped him before he could lead them out of the prison and Heidemarie saw her signaling to her. Silently nodding, Heidemarie knocked out Hob and and watched Hanne reveal herself to Ein before knocking him out against the wall.[77]

Heide then followed Hanne back to her home in Aceid and changed back into her former apprentice clothes while Hanne washed off her hair dye nearby. After her master returned and dressed in her former mage robes, Heide asked "Hanne" if they would be going soon. As she reminded Gumillia that it wasn't necessary to call her Hanne anymore, Gumillia she suggested they leave, calling her Elluka.[78]

Pursuit of Margarita[]

Heading with Elluka to Aceid, Gumillia followed her to the hospital where Marx was being treated to meet with Margarita, and the two of them learned that she had already left. After questioning the doctor on her whereabouts, Elluka fretted over the seriousness of the situation and Gumillia offered the map of Elphegort she had borrowed from Ein. Pointing out the X mark Ein had made over Calgaround, Gumillia watched as her master mused over this information and thanked her, claiming they may now be able to solve everything. Pointing out she should be thanking Ein, Gumillia then listened to Elluka's suggestion they visit him after the business was over with.

The two were then cut off by Dr. Felix waking from his coma. Gumillia watched as Elluka attempted to question the doctor, who began to babble about a doll before falling off the bed in a convulsing fit and dying. Fretfully calling to Elluka, Gumillia heard her claim that he cleared up one thing and asked what it was; asked if she remembered the Clockworker's Doll, Gumillia confirmed it and remarked how it was made to look like Michaela, before correcting herself and stating it was made to look like Eve.

Asked if she had also met Margarita, Gumillia admitted she hadn't yet and was told that she also looked like Eve, among multiple other people; Elluka then stated her conviction that Margarita had contracted with a Demon of Sin. As Gumillia began to speak on her fears, Elluka cut her off and declared they had no choice but to kill the Marchioness, to which her apprentice asked if she was sure. After Elluka confirmed there was no other option, the two mages left for Calgaround.

Before reaching the town, the two were stopped by the World Police's erected barricade between Toragay and Aceid. Seeing Toragay's coachman struggling to get into the town and save his mother, Gumillia intervened with her fireworks gun as the officers prepared to arrest him. She was then stopped as Elluka blew the officers back with a wind and then demanded they go.

Although protesting, the girl accompanied her master, along with the coachman, out of range of the police officers. After Elluka convinced the coachman to take them to Calgaround, the two mages road with him over a shortcut east of the mountain and arrived in the town, stopping outside the mayor's mansion.[79]

Confrontation at the Plateau[]

Approaching the mansion, Gumillia followed Elluka inside and were greeted by the mayor, Julia Abelard. She then witnessed Elluka confronting Julia, who revealed her connection to Père Noël well as Margarita and Kaspar's places in the organization. She then learned from Shadow of how Margarita had refined several versions of the Gift, using one to kill Kaspar and making an epidemic with the sixth variant.

As the two other mages debated, Gumillia cut in and asked if Fifth Pierrot was in the mansion as well. Julia apologized to the apprentice, explaining that he had already left but that, if she were killed, they could free his captive held in the basement. Gumillia coldly noted how the woman was previously so talkative; when she retorted she'd spent enough time answering questions and began to say it wouldn't matter because they'd be dead, Gumillia finished the sentence for her and asked if she planned to say that. After a silence, Julia noted she was right and the three women prepared for battle.

As Elluka attempted to attack with a tornado, Julia easily snuffed it out and noted Elluka's use of nature to empower her spells; when she asked Gumillia if she had a similar arsenal, the former spirit remained silent. As Elluka and Julia continued to attack, Gumillia made a hole in the mansion wall and began using the rain to empower her magic; when the villainous mage attempted to burn her and Elluka, Gumillia used a water spell to put the fire out. After her master called to her, she receded the muddy water and turned it back to rain.

Noticing that Julia's cat was absent, Gumillia asked where it was and heard Elluka exclaim that she wasn't that mage. Seeing "Julia" fall silent, the former spirit asked why she was before "Julia" revealed her true identity as Fourth Shadow, the second-in-command in Père Noël, as well as the "Elluka" that was responsible for the Lioness Burning Incident and Margarita's friend.

When the newly revealed Shadow prepared to attack again, Gumillia made use of her fireworks gun and magic as she dueled the other mage. Failing to kill her using the Clockwork Secret Art, she then saw Shadow attempt to escape through the hole in the wall and followed her outside; there, she began to manipulate the greeonian plateau roses, making them grow larger and wrap around Shadow. As her opponent attempted to escape, Gumillia made the roses to wrap around her tighter and burrow their roots into her flesh, until the Shadow was eventually killed.

With the false Julia dead, Gumillia and Elluka reentered the mansion and went to the second floor to confront Margarita. She watched as her master attempted to reason with the girl to create a cure for the Gift and, as she drank the poison, attempted to save her from its effects. After witnessing Margarita die, Gumillia put a hand on Elluka's shoulder as she sat before her dead body. As she then stood and said they would need to head back to Toragay, Gumillia refused, pointing out that Rin Chan still hadn't been rescued, and Elluka reluctantly lead them down to the mansion's basement.

Once there, Gumillia and Elluka caught sight of the bound Rin Chan and quickly released her. Extending her hand, Gumillia suggested they leave to send the idol back to Rolled, only for the girl to decline and cite she didn't want to go back to Rolled due to her lip-syncing scandal. Alarmed to learn that the allegations had been true, Gumillia stood in shock and failed to notice Sixth Venom enter into the room.

Seeing the Père Noël Member stab Elluka, Gumillia cried out and shot at the man, only for him to deflect her attack with his sword. Shooting at him again as he made his exit, Gumillia's attack tore the cloth the man wore around his head and she saw his long purple hair before he departed up the steps. Returning to the wounded Elluka, Gumillia quickly brought her to the coachman waiting outside, who carried them to the hospital in Aceid.[80] Sometime after Elluka was admitted, Gumillia learned of another Julia Abelard in the Lucifenian aristocracy.[81]

Formation of a Cure[]

After Elluka had sufficiently recovered, she and Gumillia set out with the coachman to the Gift-ridden Toragay, and Gumillia rode further to Calgaround. Investigating the mayor's mansion, Gumillia found no trace of the Clockworker's Doll or Margarita's corpse and was forced to return to Toragay empty-handed. Entering the city, the apprentice approached Elluka and apologized for making her wait.

The sorceress thanked her for her hard work and asked what she discovered, to which Gumillia reported that the vessel and Margarita were gone. As Elluka thanked her again, Gumillia said there was one more thing and continued on to related what she learned about Julia. She listened silently as Elluka noted their next destination was to take a closer look at Père Noël and agreed to travel to Lucifenia.

As they were about to leave, the two of them were stopped by the coachman, who came to tell them of how his mother and many other members of the town were entirely missing. Hearing voices from the direction of Blankenheim Manor, Gumillia asked if the other two heard the noise and gestured to her ears. Pointing in the direction of the town, Gumillia followed Elluka and the coachman as they approached the estate and entered into the manor's basement; she then witnessed their discovery of the survivors from the Gift epidemic, as well as Egmont's use of a mysterious medicine to fight Gift's effects.

Learning that the medicine was made from sap from the new Millennium Tree distributed by Père Noël, Elluka and Gumillia contacted Puerick Rogzé and went to the Millennium Tree Forest, bypassing the examinations carried out by the Sisters of Clarith by using an animal path related to them by Egmont. Gumillia then watched as Elluka met with Puerick at the site of the New Millennium Tree, discussing the possibility of forming its sap into a cure for Gift.

After Puerick left, Gumillia remarked on how stupid Père Noël was in their poison being cured by their medicine, only for Elluka to note that may have been their aim. Asking her what she meant, she listened as Elluka described how the mysterious epidemic would break out with the medicine to cure it only being known by Père Noël, Gumillia finishing her sentence. As Elluka continued that they could monopolize the remedy, her apprentice asked if Egmont's nutritional drugs were only a prototype and Elluka confirmed it might be so.

Then, as Elluka greeted the tree Michaela beside them, Gumillia heard her friend complain about Puerick taking her sap and reminded her that it was to save human lives. She then watched as Michaela and Elluka debated the issue and then discussed their progress as of late, before seeing her master fall deep into thought. Gumillia then caught sight of Margarita Blankenheim standing nearby in the forest and her jaw dropped as she stared at the girl.

She then watched Elluka leave to go meet with Margarita and waited by Michaela for some time. When Elluka finally returned alone, the apprentice asked what had occurred with Margarita, only for her master to chastise her, telling her that Margarita had died in Shadow's mansion. Gumillia then left the forest with Elluka and headed to Lucifenia.[82]

Père Noël[]

Once there, they infiltrated the criminal organization and the apprentice adopted the codename Eighth Sniper. In the winter of EC 610, Elluka's cover was blown by Fifth Pierrot and she fled, ordering Gumillia to assassinate him. Obeying the order, the apprentice shot the boy on one of his nightly murder missions,[83] watching Elluka laugh at the child's suffering. Shortly after, Elluka received a letter from Julia, revealing herself to be Irina Clockworker,[84] and Gumillia traveled with the mage to Merrigod Plateau, helping her duel Irina.[85] By the end of the battle, Gumillia had disappeared.[86]

Personality and Traits[]

"I'm older than you so use honorifics. For anyone who's older than you, use honorifics."
―Gumillia's strict expectations for respect[src]
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Gumillia spending time with Elluka

In contrast to Michaela, Gumillia acted stoic, serious and blunt, viewing things as either right or wrong. Due to this, she was never above chastising others for their actions and would speak her mind with absolute sincerity. In a similar manner, she often expressed what she was thinking and was dedicated to work; despite this, she was also caring and sympathetic, comforting Michaela when no one else would and showing concern for Elluka's treatment of Held.[87] She also had high expectations of respect, demanding others use honorifics with her.

After becoming a human, Gumillia adjusted to human behavior and habits slowly, awkwardly learning how to express emotions and communicate, often silent or giving short responses between long silences.[88] While Elluka resided in Gumillia's body, the sorceress greatly influenced her apprentice's personality, causing Gumillia to take up many of Elluka's habits and traits.[89]

Skills and Abilities[]

"She’s doing great. If she continues on like this, she should be able to use Clockwork Magic in the next six months or so. She really is a smart girl."
―Elluka regarding Gumillia's impressive progress[src]As a forest spirit, Gumillia was immortal, able to heal from any wound almost instantly while in Held's Forest. Similarly, she could freely transform into an animal, usually a chipmunk. After becoming a human, she became vulnerable to death and was slow to learn human habits and customs. As a mage, Gumillia had great magical potential, learning quickly under Elluka's tutelage and mastering the ability to accurately predict the weather and propagate flowers to bloom within three months. Her skills rapidly improved, learning to cast a variety of spells and rituals from the sorceress. Elluka was confident she could learn Clockwork magic, a rare and dangerous cleansing spell, less than two years after the sorceress first began training her.[90] Gumillia was evidently excellent at reconnaissance, gathering information regarding the vessel of Sloth and Père Noël relatively quickly.[91] As a member of the criminal organization, she learned to wield a revolver and used the firearm effectively for her assassination missions.[92]

Character Connections[]

Held: Gumillia's creator. Gumillia respected Held greatly and often occasionally carry out his commands among the other spirits, as well as respecting them herself, no matter how puzzling. She also was fiercely protective of the god whenever he was threatened. Despite this, she decided it was best to leave Held behind to remain human, although Gumillia still looked to him for guidance and aid in her future endeavors.

Elluka Clockworker: Gumillia's mentor. Gumillia was initially incensed at Elluka's mistreatment of Held and was apathetic towards her lackadaisical nature. Despite this, she became deeply loyal to the sorceress and paid close attention under her tutelage, following Elluka through all her endeavors over the centuries, dedicated to their goal of collecting all the sins and careful to keep her in line.

Irina Clockworker: Gumillia's enemy and later superior. While also warned about Irina by Held, Gumillia saw her as an enemy of Elluka and opposed her accordingly, although not always aware of her true identity under the sorceress' aliases. While joining Père Noël under her command, Gumillia was especially careful in following her alias I. Santa's orders in order to deceive her, but remained disloyal to her.

Michaela: A fellow forest spirit and friend. Gumillia took a very protective role towards Michaela whenever the latter was upset or in danger, the two having become very close as spirits. Gumillia continued to look after her while in Lucifenia, sending the Green Onion with Allen so they could communicate; after her death, Gumillia jealously guarded her remains and became anxious when no longer able to care for her. 

Clarith: The one whom Gumillia trusts Michaela's remains with. Gumillia was resentful of Clarith for being the one chosen to take care of Michaela, although grudgingly appreciated the love that Clarith and Michaela shared. She allowed the former to take the latter's remains, but still felt uneasy about doing so, this uneasiness only subsiding after some time.

Yukina Freezis: Gumillia's travel companion. Gumillia saw Yukina as a cute child and tagged along as her playmate when staying in the Freezis Mansion. As an extension of this friendship, she later aided the girl in her travels through Beelzenia, although she was exasperated by Yukina's inattention to proper honorifics and would act without thinking of how it would affect the girl, such as leaving without any prior notice.

Germaine Avadonia: Gumillia's employee. Gumillia appreciated Germaine's skill in swordsmanship, her reason for hiring her, and she was a trusted bodyguard over the course of this employment.

Gumina Glassred: The inspiration for Gumillia's human body. After observing Gumina's pilgrimage to the Millennium Tree Forest, Gumillia thought her to have a suitably beautiful appearance.


Conceptualization and Origin[]

  • Gumillia's codename, Eighth Sniper, references her role as a marksman and assassin of Père Noël.
  • Gumillia's name is partially inspired by the name of her representative Vocaloid, GUMI, starting with the same letters.



<gallery orientation="none" spacing="small" position="center" columns="fit to page"> Charactersretrouver.png|Gumillia in The Daughter of Evil: Retrouver of Silver Gumilliaglasses.jpg|Gumillia as she appears with glasses in Her Reason Gumillianoglasses.jpg|Gumillia without her glasses in the manga GumilliaHerReason2.png|Gumillia as a Beelzenian adviser in the manga EllukaGumilliaAkuMusu.png|Gumillia and Elluka on the Aku Musu volume 1 cover GumilliaAkuMusu.png|Gumillia as seen in Aku Musu gumob.PNG|Gumillia in The Servant of Evil ~Opera Buffa!~ GumilliaDSoE.png|Gumillia as she appears in the Deadly Sins of Evil manga EllukaMichaelaGumilliaDSoE.png|Gumillia's original form in the manga DoEAct2MichaelaGumillia.png|Gumillia as she appears in The Daughter of Evil manga GumilliaNewborn.png|Gumillia as a human in the manga GumilliaApprentice.png|Gumillia in her apprentice attire in the manga Gumilliachipmunkmanga.png|Gumillia's chipmunk form in the manga QuartetsGumillia.png|Gumillia as she appears in Quartets of Evil QuartetsGumillia2.png|Gumillia as seen in the manga

QuartetsHanneHeidemarie.png|Heidemarie in the manga



  1. Deadly Sins of Evil: The Muzzle of Nemesis - 7
  2. Entr'acte of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Worldguide
  3. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 1
  4. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 2, Section 1
  5. Gloom of Held
  6. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 2, Section 1
  7. Deadly Sins of Evil: Fifth Pierrot - Part 2, Chapter 3
  8. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 2, Section 1
  9. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 2, Section 1
  10. Her Reason
  11. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 2, Section 1
  12. Her Reason
  13. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 3, Section 1
  14. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 2, Section 2
  15. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 2
  16. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 2, Section 1
  17. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 2, Section 2
  18. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 2, Section 2
  19. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 3, Section 2
  20. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Epilogue
  21. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Epilogue
  22. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Epilogue
  23. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 2
  24. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Epilogue
  25. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 4, Section 1
  26. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Epilogue
  27. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 2, Section 2
  28. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 3, Section 2
  29. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 2
  30. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 2, Section 2
  31. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 2
  32. Her Reason
  33. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 2
  34. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 1
  35. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 2, Section 1
  36. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 2, Section 2
  37. Her Reason
  38. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 2, Section 2
  39. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 3, Section 2
  40. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 3, Section 1
  41. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 3, Section 2
  42. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 4, Section 1
  43. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 4, Section 1
  44. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red
  45. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Prologue
  46. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 1
  47. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 2, Section 1
  48. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 2, Section 2
  49. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 3, Section 1
  50. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 3, Section 2
  51. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 4, Section 2
  52. Epic of Evil: the Daughter of Evil Fanbook - Aftermath - Elluka
  53. The Muzzle of Nemesis Booklet - Timelines
  54. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - 魔剣を求めて 西からやってきた
  55. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - 壁に近づく 二人組の女 そこに立ちふさがる 一人の男
  56. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - 俺は偉大な王から こう命じられてる 「我が国の民以外は 誰もここを通すな」と
  57. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - 髪を黒く塗る 男と同じ色
  58. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - 男は再び 首を横に振る 「我が国の民の肌は そんな奇妙に白くない」
  59. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - 顔に泥を塗る 男と同じ肌
  60. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - 男はまたもや 首を横に振る 「我が国の民の瞳は そんな不気味な色じゃない」
  61. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - 悪く思うな旅人よ 偉大で広大な我が国を守るためには この壁と俺のような番人が必要なのだ
  62. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - 風を巻き起こし 男を吹き飛ばす
  63. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - そこには何もない 何もなかった あの番人が守ってたのは 一体なんだったのだろう?
  64. The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ - ああ 目の前には広い広い海
  65. The Muzzle of Nemesis Booklet - Timeline
  66. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 7
  67. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 6
  68. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 5
  69. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 6
  70. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 5
  71. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 4
  72. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 5
  73. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 4
  74. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 5
  75. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 5
  76. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 6
  77. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 5
  78. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 6
  79. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 6
  80. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 6
  81. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 7
  82. Deadly Sins of Evil: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep - Chapter 7
  83. Fifth Pierrot - 無言で目の前に立っている 八番目の狙撃手
  84. Fifth Pierrot PV
  85. Deadly Sins of Evil: Evil Food Eater Conchita - Sorbet
  86. Epic of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Fanbook - Aftermath
  87. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green
  88. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 2, Section 1
  89. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 2
  90. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 2, Section 1
  91. Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep PV
  92. The Last Revolver