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Below the ministers were the earls, aristocrats charged with ruling the monarch's territories in his or her stead. Each position within the government was subject to a hereditary line-of-succession with the firstborn male usually inheriting the position and title; in cases where no legitimate heir existed, the closest female heir was selected instead.<ref>The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 1</ref>
Below the ministers were the earls, aristocrats charged with ruling the monarch's territories in his or her stead. Each position within the government was subject to a hereditary line-of-succession with the firstborn male usually inheriting the position and title; in cases where no legitimate heir existed, the closest female heir was selected instead.<ref>The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 1</ref>
После распада Королевства Люцифении и последовавшей за тем оккупации его Королевством Марлон нация существовала как продолжение земель Марлона. Законы устанавливало правительство, находившееся под управлением уполномомченной администрации и лично короля Марлона того времени, Кайла Марлона. Когда король Кайл вернул Люцифении право самоуправления, новое правительство переформировало себя в республиканское. Новая Люцифенианская Республика включила в свою систему больше демократических идеалов и, предположительно, упразднила аристократию как класс в пользу популярной избирательной системы формирования чиновничьего аппарата.
Following the dissolution of the Kingdom of Lucifenia and its subsequent occupation by the Kingdom of Marlon, the former nation acted as an extension of Marlon's territories and followed the laws decided upon by its government, ruled by a proxy administration and Marlon's king of the time, Kyle Marlon.<ref>The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 1</ref> After King Kyle returned control over to Lucifenia, the new government reorganized itself as a functioning republic. The new Lucifenian Republic incorporated more democratic ideals into its system of government and is assumed to have abolished traditional aristocracies in favor of popular elections for its governing officials.<ref>Epic of Evil: the Daughter of Evil Fanbook - Aftermath - Kyle</ref>{{Clr}}
Following the dissolution of the Kingdom of Lucifenia and its subsequent occupation by the Kingdom of Marlon, the former nation acted as an extension of Marlon's territories and followed the laws decided upon by its government, ruled by a proxy administration and Marlon's king of the time, Kyle Marlon.<ref>The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 1</ref> After King Kyle returned control over to Lucifenia, the new government reorganized itself as a functioning republic. The new Lucifenian Republic incorporated more democratic ideals into its system of government and is assumed to have abolished traditional aristocracies in favor of popular elections for its governing officials.<ref>Epic of Evil: the Daughter of Evil Fanbook - Aftermath - Kyle</ref>{{Clr}}

Версия от 09:56, 12 октября 2014


Люцифения, ранее Королевство Люцифения или Жёлтая Страна, позднее переименованная в Люцифенианскую республику - госудрство в регионе Эвиллиос континента Bolganio. Появившаяся как часть Вельзенской империи, Люцифения становилась все более независимой и спустя века вошла в состав Объединенного государства Эвиллиос.

Lucifenia[1], formerly known as the Kingdom of Lucifenia or the Yellow Country before being reorganized as the Lucifenian Republic, was a state in the Bolganio continent's Evillious region. Originally part of the Beelzenian Empire, Lucifenia gained its independence and, centuries later, became part of the Union State of Evillious.


Ранняя история

Изначально существуя как территория внутри Вельзенской империи, регион процветал под властью герцогов из рода д'Отриш. В EC 399 один из герцогов провел кампанию по приобретению независимости по всему региону как следствие затянувшейся войны Вельзении с Асмодином. В тот же год страна официально отделилась от империи, и герцог был коронован на престол нового государства, провозгласив себя Люцифенией I. С тех пор, как король Люцифения стал командовать армией солдат в желтом обмундировании, за королевством закрепилось имя Жёлтая Страна.

Originally existing as a territory within the Beelzenian Empire, the region prospered under the D'Autriche family's line of dukes.[2] In EC 399,[3] one of the Dukes pushed for a campaign of independence across the region, following Beelzenia's prolonged war with Asmodean. That same year, they officially separated from the empire and the Duke, dubbing himself Lucifenia I, was crowned as the new country's monarch.[4] With King Lucifenia commanding an army of yellow-clad soldiers for his newly founded Kingdom of Lucifenia, the nation became known as the Yellow Country ever since.[5]

Королевство Люцифения

В EC 475 воинственная нация объявила войну Асмодину и Вельзении, медленно перетягивая территорию от обоих своих соседей. В EC 480 Elluka Clockworker подписала Sanosun Bridge Oath с королём Артом I, официально став его подчиненной в период царствования и вступив в войну на люцифенской стороне. К концу войны в EC 490 Люцифения отвоевала обширные территории у Вельзении, а три самых активных участника войны заслужили имена Трёх Героев.

In EC 475, the militaristic nation declared war on Asmodean and Beelzenia, slowly gaining territory from both its neighbors. In EC 480, Elluka Clockworker signed the Sanosun Bridge Oath with King Arth I, officially becoming his subordinate during his reign and joining Lucifenia's side in the war.[6] Towards the end of the war in EC 490, Lucifenia gained large portions of Beelzenia's territory;[7] the war's three largest contributors earned fame as the Three Heroes.[8]

Узрев успех своей кампании в южном Эвиллиосе, Арт использовал свои преимущества за счет чумы, прокатившейся по стране незадолго до этого, и вторгся снова; в процессе битвы он подхватил эпидемию Gula, чтобы затем умереть от заражения, и война быстро закончилась. Под властью королевы Анны, его жены и преемницы, Королевство Люцифения сконцентрировалось на развитии только что завоеванных регионов и процветало до смерти королевы в EC 499.

With its campaign in southern Evillious a success, Arth took advantage of the recent plague sweeping the empire and again invaded;[9] during the battle, he contracted the Gula epidemic, later dying due to its effects, and the war swiftly ended. Under the rule of Queen Anne, his wife and successor, the Kingdom of Lucifenia refocused on developing their newly conquered regions and the kingdom prospered until her death in EC 499.[10]

Бразды правления приняла дочь Анны, принцесса Рилиан. Презираемая людьми за характер своего правления, она была известна как Дочь Зла и имела репутацию тирана. В позднем EC 499, когда по стране пошел голод, королевский дворец отказался делиться своими запасами с истощенными жителями. На следующий год Люцифения начала вторжение в королевство Эльфегорт и совершила тотальный экстерминатус всей женской зеленоволосой части населения, позднее прозванный Изумрудной охотой. Охота завершилась, когда её первоначальная цель была убита, и Эльфегорт, несмотря на продолжающиеся бои, был оккупирован.

Anne was succeeded by her daughter, Princess Riliane. Despised by the people for her rule, she became known as "The Daughter of Evil" and was considered a tyrant. In late EC 499, a famine struck the nation and the palace refused to share its reserves with the starving citizens.[11] The following year, Lucifenia invaded the Kingdom of Elphegort and instigated the genocide of the green-haired female populace, later called the Green Hunting. The hunt ended when the intended target was killed and Elphegort was occupied although the fighting continued.[12]

Когда война затянулась, Люцифения продолжила воевать с остатками войск Эльфегорта. Немногим позже народ вышел на улицы: Люцифенианское сопротивление под предводительством Жермен Авадонии быстро набрала обороты и завладела страной, ознаменовав начало Люцифенианской революции. После нескольких недель гражданской войны Рилиан была схвачена, брошена в темницу и 26 декабря EC 500 казнена на главной площади столицы.

As the war dragged on, Lucifenia continued warring with remnants of the Elphegort military.[13] Shortly after, violence broke out in the streets; the Lucifenian Resistance, led by Germaine Avadonia, quickly gained momentum and overtook the country, sparking the Lucifenian Revolution. After several weeks of civil war, Riliane was overthrown,[14] imprisoned, and later publicly executed on December 26th, EC 500.[15]

Территория Марлона

После этого страна была включена в состав Марлона как княжество, и королевство Люцифения перестало существовать. Под властью короля Кайла Люцифения использовалась Марлоном как стартовая площадка для завоеваний на континенте Эвиллиоса. Спустя месяцы после вторжения в Вельзению Империя предприняла ответные меры, успешно захватив Ретасанскую крепость. После смерти вдовствующей королевы Прим в Марлоне войны с соседями Люцифении были прекращены.

After that, the country was incorporated as a Marlon principality and the Kingdom of Lucifenia was abolished.[16] Under the rule of King Kyle Marlon, Lucifenia was used as a staging ground for Marlon's conquests across the Evillious continent.[17] In the months after invading Beelzenia, the Empire retaliated and successfully captured Retasan Fortress.[18] After the death of Queen Dowager Prim in Marlon, the wars with Lucifenia's neighbors was halted.[19]

Республика Люцифения

В EC 508, когда Божественная Левианта обратилась за помощью к остальным странам в пресечении террористической деятельности Neo Apocalypse, из Люцифении был послан один отряд, который успешно покончил с терроризмом. Два года спустя король Кайл Марлон восстановил суверенитет государства, вернув право управления страной правительству, и страна была реорганизована в республику.

In EC 508, when Divine Levianta petitioned other countries to help suppress the terrorism caused by Neo Apocalypse, one unit was sent from Lucifenia and it successfully subverted the terrorists.[20] Two years later, King Kyle Marlon reinstated the nation's sovereignty, returning control to its government and the country was reorganized as a republic.[21]

Позже в Люцифении сформировалась сриминальная организация Père Noël. В EC 610 серия убийств, совершенная Lemy the Ripper, произошла в городе Роллед. Республика позже была включена в состав Объединённого Государства Эвиллиос как часть Aishikeru Treaty в EC 878. В EC 993 в Люцифению вторглись войска Эльфегорта, и сама страна была скоро оккупирована, что обернулось войной на всём Эвиллиосе. Позже страна была освобождена армией ОГЭ в EC 998.

Sometime later, the criminal organization Père Noël was formed and based in Lucifenia. In EC 610, a string of murder cases occurred in the city of Rolled, caused by Lemy the Ripper.[22] The republic was later incorporated into the Union State of Evillious as part of the Aishikeru Treaty in EC 878.[23]In EC 993, Lucifenia was invaded by Elphegort and subsequently occupied by the nation, sparking war across all of Evillious. It was later liberated by the USE army in EC 998.[24]

Правительство и политика

Структура власти

Kingdom rin

Рилиан Люцифен д'Отриш, последняя из династии Люцифен

Укрепившее свои империалистические корни, новопровозглашенное Люцифенианское правительство подчинялось единому абсолютному монарху, которому принадлежала большая часть власти. Ниже монарха стояли несколько министров, которые давали королю советы и управляли государственной экономикой и другими внешними и внутренними делами. Выше них всех стоял премьер-министр, являвшийся главой на заседаниях министров и официальным советником короля.

Ingrained in its imperialistic roots, the newly founded Lucifenian government was ruled by a single absolute monarch who held a majority of the power within the government. Below the monarch were the multiple ministers who helped advise and manage the nation's economy and domestic or foreign affairs, led by the prime minister, who presided over the cabinet of ministers and acted as the monarch's official advisor.

Ниже министров стояли графы, аристократы, порицаемые за управление королевскими территориями без ведения монарха. Каждая правительственная должность переходила по прямому наследству к старшему сыну в семье; в случае, если подходящего наследника не оказывалось, пост наследовала девушка.

Below the ministers were the earls, aristocrats charged with ruling the monarch's territories in his or her stead. Each position within the government was subject to a hereditary line-of-succession with the firstborn male usually inheriting the position and title; in cases where no legitimate heir existed, the closest female heir was selected instead.[25]

После распада Королевства Люцифении и последовавшей за тем оккупации его Королевством Марлон нация существовала как продолжение земель Марлона. Законы устанавливало правительство, находившееся под управлением уполномомченной администрации и лично короля Марлона того времени, Кайла Марлона. Когда король Кайл вернул Люцифении право самоуправления, новое правительство переформировало себя в республиканское. Новая Люцифенианская Республика включила в свою систему больше демократических идеалов и, предположительно, упразднила аристократию как класс в пользу популярной избирательной системы формирования чиновничьего аппарата.

Following the dissolution of the Kingdom of Lucifenia and its subsequent occupation by the Kingdom of Marlon, the former nation acted as an extension of Marlon's territories and followed the laws decided upon by its government, ruled by a proxy administration and Marlon's king of the time, Kyle Marlon.[26] After King Kyle returned control over to Lucifenia, the new government reorganized itself as a functioning republic. The new Lucifenian Republic incorporated more democratic ideals into its system of government and is assumed to have abolished traditional aristocracies in favor of popular elections for its governing officials.[27]


Within the military, the kingdom's soldiers were trained to be extremely loyal to the Lucifenian Royal Family and were experts in using offense to achieve victory. However, due to the successive military campaigns that expanded the Kingdom of Lucifenia's borders, the ministers and military commanders were severely inexperienced in defensive tactics and would easily be confused and left in disarray if confronted by an attacking force.[28] Regardless, the Lucifenian military were excellent ground forces, much more capable on land than their Marlon allies.[29]

The military was divided into multiple branches, with the supreme commander at the top and three generals below them. A specific branch of the military was the Lucifenian Royal Guard, charged with the protection of the royal family and the ruling monarch; the branch was led by the Captain of the Royal Guard, who organized and managed the guards' deployment within the Lucifenian Palace.[30] During the time of Lucifenia I, the military uniform included yellow armor.[31] In later centuries, the design was of red armor with white lining over a brown attire, with soldiers wielding claymores, shortswords, and spears.


After its formation, the Kingdom of Lucifenia maintained the feudal system adopted by the Beelzenian Empire, with peasants of an earls' territory required to farm the fields for the nation's agriculture. In exchange, it is assumed the peasants were given a moderate fee or permitted to live on the land they worked and take a small portion of the harvest. In cases of famine, the royal family and nobles kept stockpiles of past harvests in their barns for their own luxury, leaving the peasants to starve.[32]

Coinciding with its agricultural aspects, the kingdom's economy was open to trade, allowing merchants to settle and run businesses within the kingdom. With enough endowments paid to the state, the government could bestow titles of nobility to the richer merchants in the kingdom, granting them prestige and influence that could help grow their business and help stimulate the nation's wealth and growth.[33] Its businesses included a fishing industry, with at least one port town existing along its shores.[34] The kingdom also maintained minted gold coins as their currency to back the nation's economic wealth.[35]

Общество и культура

The Lucifenians are a proud people, stubbornly loyal to their country and its well-being.[36] However, due to the rigid social structure created by the Kingdom of Lucifenia's government, there was a huge divide between the nobility and its citizens, causing distrust and later civil unrest within the country.[37] Flowers, particularly roses, were typical decorations in Lucifenian architecture.[38] For entertainment, the aristocracy primarily enjoyed reading literature or poetry, though some literate commoners also enjoyed the pastime. Regardless, both social classes enjoyed opera and attended the events.[39]

Cha2 img

An Orthodox Lucifenian

Despite being referred to as the "Yellow Country", Lucifenians had no common traits or characteristics of "yellow" distinguishing them from other ethnicities. Among the Lucifenian Royal Family were the purebred Orthodox Lucifenians, with pale skin, blond hair, and blue eyes.[40] However, the name's actual origin  was unknown, though Lucifenia I's yellow-armored soldiers was strongly theorized to be the origin.[41]

Racially, Lucifenia tolerated other ethnic groups within its borders, likely due to its origins as part of the Beelzenian Empire; as a result, it had racial diversity of all its neighbors.[42] During the Green Hunting, the Lucifenian army uprooted and killed Elphegortean women, identifying them by their characteristic green hair, and swiftly ended after its target was killed.[43]

After the kingdom's foundation, Levin became the primary religion of Lucifenia with the Levia sect practiced by several political officials. By the turn of the 6th century EC, the Levia faith became the mainstream faction in the country practiced by nearly all officials within the royal palace, including believers in Held. Despite this, other faiths were not openly persecuted and monasteries for other sects existed within the kingdom,[44] though the Behemo sect was intolerated due to its belief in demon worship.[45]

География и климат

Lucifenia map

Map of the Kingdom of Lucifenia

Lucifenia is a mid-western region of Evillious, located directly below Elphegort and above Beelzenia with Asmodean bordering it in the east. At its height, the Kingdom of Lucifenia controlled much of the territories formerly controlled by its neighbors and encompassed several different landscapes, including a dry desert to the east and rocky mountain ranges to the south.

The state's major river cut across the center of the continent before leading into its capital and then funnelling back out to the Hark Sea. The majority of the land was fertile grassland, making it ideal for farming. In general, Lucifenia had a cool climate year round.[46] During especially cold climates in winter, it would sometimes snow in certain areas.[47]




The capital city of Lucifenia in the north, near its border with Elphegort. It is assumed to have been named after the nation's founder, King Lucifenia I and is placed near the Forest of Bewilderment. Its most important location is the Lucifenian Royal Palace located directly below the Forest of Bewilderment.[48]

Main Article: Lucifenian

Royal Palace


The residence of the Lucifenian Royal Family in Lucifenian. It functioned as the center of political power in the Kingdom of Lucifenia until the Lucifenian Revolution[49] and later as the governing residence of King Kyle during Marlon's occupation.[50] Once Lucifenia was reinstated as a nation by Kyle that same year,[51] it is unknown what became of the palace.

Main Article: Lucifenian Royal Palace

Forest of Bewilderment


The portion of the Millennium Tree Forest within Lucifenia's borders. Lying between the capitals of Lucifenian and Aceid, the route represented a tactical disadvantage for any direct invasions between the two nations.[52] Much of the forest was burned down at the start of the Green Hunting.[53]

Main Article: Millennium Tree Forest

Anonymous Coast


A coast located near the Forest of Bewilderment along Lucifenia's western shores. A small port city existed along its shores as well as a Levin monastery for the Held Sect.[54]


A city in Lucifenia. It was one of the battlegrounds of the Lucifenian Revolution.[55] In EC 610, a string of murders occurred in the city, committed by Lemy the Ripper.[56]


A city in Lucifenia. It was one of the battlegrounds of the Lucifenian Revolution.[57] It shared its name with a bird, whose feathers were used to create high quality pens.[58]

Orgo River

Orgo River

The main river in the territory, flowing from East Lucifenia to the Hark Sea in the west. The river branches into Lucifenian before flowing out into the ocean. Sanosun bridge and Breck Mountain are situated along the river.

Sanosun Bridge


A bridge located towards the center of Lucifenia along the Orgo River. It connects the eastern Babul Desert with the western Temilamb Plain. The bridge is famed for the contract sharing its name held between Elluka Clockworker and King Arth.[59]

Breck Mountain


A large mountain situated along the Orgo River, south of the Babul Desert in Eastern Lucifenia. It served as a military outpost for some time before being lost to the Lucifenian Resistance. It was later recaptured by the Kingdom of Marlon.[60]

Babul Desert


The desert separating Lucifenia and Asmodean, setting the boundary between them. The desert lies east of Lucifenian and stretches along its entire eastern border with the middle-eastern nation.

Temilamb Plain

The grassland located across Central and Western Lucifenia, from the Orgo River to the Hark Sea.



A star-shaped fortress city located at Lucifenia's southeastern border with the Beelzenia Empire. It was conquered from the empire during the Lucifenian Expansion War. It served as a military outpost and trade city, receiving an influx of people traveling to and from Beelzenia. It was occupied by the Lucifenian Resistance during the revolution before being recaptured by Marlon,[61] but was later lost to the Empire following Marlon's invasion in EC 505.[62] The Lavolle Mountains lie directly west of the city.

Main Article: Retasan

Lavolle Mountains


A mountain range along the Southern border of Lucifenia, laying the border between the nation and an unknown state. It partially set the border between Lucifenia and the Beelzenian Empire and is directly west of Retasan Fortress.

Known Residents


Conceptualization and Origin

  • Lucifenia is inspired by the real world nation of France; the Kingdom of Lucifenia's history bears many similarities and influences with that of the Kingdom of France.
  • The relationship between Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche and the Lucifenian Revolution is very similar to the relationship between Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution.
  • Its name is based on Lucifer, the patron demon of Pride.
  • Lucifenia's crest is three stylized wings, referencing Lucifer's status as a fallen angel; three is also a divine number in some religions.


  • Desert Bluebird takes place in an alternate version of Lucifenia where the world was destroyed; Lucifenia's emblem shows up in the form of feathers, later revealed to be masking a nuclear sign.
  • The Kingdom of Lucifenia is featured in Hatsune Miku and Future Stars: Project Mirai during the PVs for The Daughter of Evil and The Servant of Evil with its characteristic emblem.




  1. ルシフェニア
  2. Deadly Sins of Evil: Evil Food Eater Conchita
  3. Evils Kingdom Booklet - Chronicles of Evillious
  4. Deadly Sins of Evil: Evil Food Eater Conchita - Dessert
  5. Entr'acte of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Worldguide
  6. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 1
  7. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 1
  8. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 1
  9. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 2, Section 2
  10. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 1
  11. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 1
  12. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 2, Section 2
  13. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 3, Section 1
  14. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 3, Section 2
  15. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 4
  16. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 1
  17. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 2, Section 1
  18. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 2, Section 2
  19. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 3, Section 2
  20. Epic of Evil: the Daughter of Evil Fanbook - Aftermath - Chartette
  21. Epic of Evil: the Daughter of Evil Fanbook - Aftermath - Kyle
  22. The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue - Chapter 5
  23. Evils Kingdom Booklet - Chronicles of Evillious - Year 878
  24. The Muzzle of Nemesis Booklet
  25. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 1
  26. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 1
  27. Epic of Evil: the Daughter of Evil Fanbook - Aftermath - Kyle
  28. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 3, Section 2
  29. Epic of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Fanbook
  30. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 1
  31. Entr'acte of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Worldguide
  32. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 1
  33. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 2, Section 1
  34. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 1
  35. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 3, Section 2
  36. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 1
  37. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 3, Section 1
  38. The Daughter of Evil: Act 1
  39. Entr'acte of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Worldguide
  40. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 2, Section 2
  41. Entr'acte of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Worldguide
  42. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 2, Section 2
  43. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 2, Section 2
  44. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 4, Section 2
  45. Entr'acte of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Worldguide
  46. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green Chapter 1 Section 1
  47. Five the Pierrot PV
  48. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 1
  49. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 3, Section 2
  50. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 3, Section 1
  51. Epic of Evil: the Daughter of Evil Fanbook - Aftermath - Kyle
  52. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 1
  53. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 2, Section 2
  54. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 1, Section 1
  55. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 3, Section 2
  56. Evils Court Crossfade - Five the Pierrot
  57. The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow - Chapter 3, Section 2
  58. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 3, Section 1
  59. The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green - Chapter 1
  60. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 2
  61. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 1, Section 2
  62. The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red - Chapter 2, Section 2